Carter Constructive Marketing

Get to Know Me
I'm Andrew Carter, a free lance copywriter that helps businesses construct highly converting funnels with email, paid ads, and web design, to increase sales. When we partner together I use my tens of millions of dollars in proven sales strategies to rocket your business to the top. I've had the pleasure to work for some amazing companies including billionaire sales leader Grant Cardone. It's my life mission to help as many business owners like you as possible to drive unlimited revenue in your business. It may be said you are too young to know how to create millions of dollars out of thin air, while that may have a some validity to an outsider, this is exactly what fuels my passion and has been disproven by my track record. My core vales are complete and total transparency / honesty, consistent discipline, and taking care of our planets wildlife and global ecosystems.

My goal is not to "help" your business at all. It's to assist you in dominating your space and to become untouchable by any of your competition. I will help you do this with my years of professional sales experience and multi million dollar proven sales strategies applied through three main services.

Web Design
Businesses with with more than 10 landing pages have a 55% higher conversion rate than websites with less than 10 landing pages says apexure.com. Landing pages will be the reason your prospects book an appointment or make that purchase. Thats because we will be able to build further trust, credibility, and desire to separate you from all the other options your client has at their finger tips and abolish your competitors.

Paid Ads
Disrupt, Intrigue, Click. Thats as simple as it gets to start pouring dollars into your business. Partner with me to design a custom funnel built specifically to duplicate your best and highest paying clients. Wether you have some basic funnels set up now and need a new spark to stoke the fire or need to start from scratch, CCM will make sure we build a white hot fire within your business that your competitors gaze in admoration.

Cold emails are dead, right? Wrong. With effective copy formulated to your businesses emails we can nurture cold leads with persuasive email sequences that turn strangers into buyers. We will also continue to mine your old existing clients to increase revenue with second, third, and even fourth sales. All from the same clients simultaneously. Second and follow up sales is a quick way to cash in on clients you've already given exception service.
My Goal

Andrew Carter from Carters Constructive Marketing fishing in a mountain stream.

Andrew Carter from Carters Constructive Marketing fishing in a bass tournament.

Andrew Carter from Carters Constructive Marketing family outdoors.

Andrew Carter from Carters Constructive Marketing fishing in a mountain stream.
Obsessively Outdoors
Since the beginning I have always took to the outdoors. I still love that rich dirt aroma of the fall woods and the silky flow of a child mountain stream. I've been hooked with everything outdoors for as long as I can remember. I dedicated many hours in the freezing cold chasing ducks and hundreds of bright eyed mornings loading up the boat to go catch a limit of bass. I always have has a spot in my heart for nature and wildlife. Then reality hit and society said it was time to "get a job". So I did, and naturally took to sales. Later on I discovered how I could channel that same obsession of the outdoors to help other solve all sorts of problems. Through many swings of inspiration, multiple companies, and millions of dollars of revenue I never found that place that clicked. I now have been able to channel that childhood obsession to help business owners like you. I hope to join forces with your business and skyrocket your sales because it truly brings me excitement the same as catching that next trophy bass or spending time in gods great outdoors.